Husna's Blog
Monday, 30 April 2012
seperti yg anda smua ktahui
sekrang ni adalah zaman kpop..
maklumlah remaja..
mmg suka sngt ikut tren semasa...
skrang hangant dgn kpop..
so bleh dikata kan skrang nih...
adalah zaman kpop..
and me...
slah seorng pengikutnya...
support kpop nih...
x brmkna sya x support sya punya music tanah air...
sya mnat jga music2 malaysia...
bnyk yg sedap..
cma sya hnya mengikut trendzz...
so bg yg x mnat kpop x mngapa..
stiap orng ada mnat yg brbezakn...
jd hormat mnat orng lain k...
dgn ini di serta gmbar...
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
15/7/2011 (Friday)
Assalamualaikum and hi.... class is very happening.... Miss Zu want us to act epics Malay movie and English movie. We must combine it to make a story... First impression it to hard but it not. It interesting you knows..... I really love it....My group decided to adapt from Nenek Kebayan and Rapunzel. Hanani and I as the Nenek Kebayan, Kiera as a Rapunzel, Farhan as a Prince, Nurul as a Rapunzel’s father, and Zana as a Rapunzel’s Mother. This story is about Nenek Kebayan take Rapunzel from her parents and let her to stay in the older building that doesn't has stairs. Everytime Nenek Kebayan want to see her Rapunzel must took down her hair. One dya, Prince see Rapunzel and try to get up but there is o stair and he don't know how to see Rapunzel. He saw how Nenek Kebayan get up and he do the same things and he can get up to see her. Nenek Kebayan know that Rapunzel see someone secretly and she become angry. Lastly, Rapunzel's secret uncoverred and Nenek Kebayan push the prince from the building. The prince get injured and Nenek Kebayan try to take Rapunzel away but she be disturbed by the other Nenek Kebayan. Rapunzel use thet time to run with the prince to her house. After Nenek Kebayan win to her fight she try to catch Rapunzel but she fell into hole and the prince push a big stone into the hole. Nenek Kebayan died and they have a happy life.... Jeng..jeng... my group do it the best. We are the winner because everybody like our story.... Haa.... we are not acting in class but outside. Maybe Miss wants us easy to get idea. Yup miss it the best result you give us change to do work outside class. This is a great moment to my group to remember it..... Okey see next time...Bye.. (^_^)v

14/7/2011 (Thursday)
Assalamualaikum, Okey today I learn about Subject Verb Agreement. Hehehe...before she start the class she give us to do pre test... My mark is so funny....hehehe.... After she done teach she give the test to look if the class understand what she teach....and the result all of student are increase and she look happy.... Actually I really don't know how to explain this topic. Haaa.... I will give you some information on this site........ Hope you happy.....Sorry I really don't have any idea how to explain it... Enjoyyyy.......bye...bye...
8/11/2011 (friday)
Assalamualaikum. Alright, lets continue with today topic, I don't know today is what about but Miss Zu show us some video and we must find the topic sentence and main idea. so interesting. I don't feel that I'm boring in class. Haa...Miss Zu divide us to group and a group have 4 members. Miss do this activity like a game. Student really like it and try to get the best mark. Huhuhu....I think my group do the best. Miss show us videos about Ogy and the Cockroaches, Potrait by Pink. I think it all for today... Bye...
Monday, 8 August 2011
23/6/2011 (Thursday)
Today I learn about how to make the introduction. Miss Zue said that there are 7 types of introduction.
Mis Zue told to my class to divide into seven groups to discribe the introduction that she had given. So, we make a group and each group have four members. My group are Nurul, Nani, Zana, and me Husna. We get a contrast introduction and the tittle is about 'Metrosexual Guy'. Tomorrow we going to present the introduction. Insyaallah it will be success.
Today I learn about how to make the introduction. Miss Zue said that there are 7 types of introduction.
16/6/2011 (Thursday)
Assalamualaikum. Before that I want to shout as loud as I can because when Miss Zue mention about ‘thesis statement’ I don’t know what it is…. Huh, I fell like I want to get out from that class at that time but I don’t do it because I scared. Thesis statement is tells the reader what the essay about or the main idea for hold essay. We can put sub point at the thesis statement. Ahh.. it also at the and of the introduction. Aishh… it to hard for me to explain this….but I will give some example…
• Here are some steps we can take to make friend….
• Here are some tips to do well in examination…
Wergh…I think it over my limit… okay only this that I can write… bye..bye..
Assalamualaikum. Before that I want to shout as loud as I can because when Miss Zue mention about ‘thesis statement’ I don’t know what it is…. Huh, I fell like I want to get out from that class at that time but I don’t do it because I scared. Thesis statement is tells the reader what the essay about or the main idea for hold essay. We can put sub point at the thesis statement. Ahh.. it also at the and of the introduction. Aishh… it to hard for me to explain this….but I will give some example…
• Here are some steps we can take to make friend….
• Here are some tips to do well in examination…
Wergh…I think it over my limit… okay only this that I can write… bye..bye..
14/6/2011 (Tuesday)
Assalamualaikum, we meet again. Today's class is acting again…
Miss Zu request the group leader come in front and choose things that she prepared. My group leader is Farhan. He chooses powder. Woahh… it a little bit hard for us to make the story with that thing.
My group so ‘sempoi’ we discuss together to make the story and we have an idea. Maybe our story not to fun but we try so hard to make it. The story is about one salesman that is Farhan want to sell his powder but at the same time he robs his customers with use the black magic. Urgh…everybody please doesn’t do it. Zana, Nani and I Husna as a customer (1) who have been cheated by the salesman and our worthy thing have be taken.
Ohhh…. So pity right… Nurul and Syakira as a customer (2) who have success not to be cheated by the salesman. The salesman got his punishment because of his mistake. Hahaha…serve him right!!!
Okay until here…bye..bye… Jana (^_^)v
Assalamualaikum, we meet again. Today's class is acting again…
Miss Zu request the group leader come in front and choose things that she prepared. My group leader is Farhan. He chooses powder. Woahh… it a little bit hard for us to make the story with that thing.
My group so ‘sempoi’ we discuss together to make the story and we have an idea. Maybe our story not to fun but we try so hard to make it. The story is about one salesman that is Farhan want to sell his powder but at the same time he robs his customers with use the black magic. Urgh…everybody please doesn’t do it. Zana, Nani and I Husna as a customer (1) who have been cheated by the salesman and our worthy thing have be taken.
Ohhh…. So pity right… Nurul and Syakira as a customer (2) who have success not to be cheated by the salesman. The salesman got his punishment because of his mistake. Hahaha…serve him right!!!
Okay until here…bye..bye… Jana (^_^)v
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